A male and female mechanic looking at the underside of a car

About us

Quality Apprenticeships is owned and managed by GAN Australia.

Site workers doing a survey

About GAN Australia

GAN Australia is a national network of the Global Apprenticeship Network. GAN Australia’s mission is to create a better future for individuals and businesses through enhanced quality apprenticeships in Australia and learning from international best practice.

Country accreditation partners

The accreditation process is managed by a partner organisation in each country. These partners are active members of the international apprenticeship community, committed to promoting and supporting quality apprenticeships.


The Quality Apprenticeships employer accreditation is implemented by GAN Australia. As the developers of this accreditation model, GAN Australia is committed to supporting local employers enhance their quality apprenticeship programs.

Visit the Australian accreditation here.

Become a country partner

If your organisation is interested in becoming a Quality Apprenticeships accreditation partner, please view our Become a partner page and get in touch to discuss this process.